5 Tips on How To Protect Trees From Extreme Heat in Guerneville, CA

Have you ever wondered what happens to trees during those sweltering summer days? Our arboreal specimens can, unfortunately, suffer just as much as we do.

Why not give yours some TLC? As the go-to expert tree service in Guerneville, Empire Tree Experts knows how to protect trees from extreme heat. Keep reading as we lend some useful insight.

how to protect trees from extreme heat

1. Utilize Mulching Material

Mulch is like a cozy blanket for your trees; it covers the soil, holds moisture, and keeps the roots cool and happy. This added layer also suppresses those pesky weeds and adds nutrients to the soil as it decomposes.

When applying mulch, spread it in a one to two-inch layer around the base of your tree. Always keep it a few inches away from the trunk to prevent rot.

2. Provide Deep Watering

While trees are pretty self-sufficient, they do appreciate a little extra hydration during intense heatwaves. Hot weather accelerates water evaporation and leaves your flora thirsty.

Always water deeply and thoroughly. Focus on the root zone rather than just sprinkling the surface to encourage stronger growth. Early morning or late evening sessions work best to minimize loss from evaporation.

You don’t have to do it manually when you outfit your yard with an irrigation system. Set timers and let it handle the rest.

3. Apply Shade Cloth

If you want to know how to protect trees from extreme heat, a makeshift cover does wonders. It shields them from the intense sunlight and reduces heat stress.

Choose breathable, UV-resistant material for optimal protection. Drape it over a sturdy frame that allows some space for air circulation. Anchor the fabric securely using stakes or ties to prevent it from blowing away.

4. Prune Wisely

Strategic trimming can make a world of difference. It improves airflow and light penetration while reducing the risk of branch breakage.

Do it cautiously, though. Taking away too much can stress your specimens and leave them more vulnerable. Focus on removing dead or diseased branches first.

Schedule your sessions during the cooler months to minimize stress and support recovery — never during a Guerneville summer.

5. Fertilize the Soil

Feeding your trees the right nutrients can help them withstand extreme heat. Fertilizers provide essential minerals like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium to promote strong root and leaf growth.

Timing and type are crucial. Use a slow-release product to avoid shock and to provide a steady supply of nutrients over time. Most varieties prefer fertilizing in early spring or late fall, when it coincides with their natural growth cycles.

Partner With Tree Specialists in Guerneville, CA

Even when you know how to protect trees from extreme heat, you don’t always have the time or energy to implement every strategy. Empire Tree Experts always has you covered. Our crew can install tree wraps, keep an eye on the soil moisture, and more.

Dial (707) 521-2151 — or learn about our reliable emergency tree services! Speak to an expert today.

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