How To Trim an Overgrown Magnolia Tree in Santa Rosa, CA

Here’s What To Do With Branches After Pruning

Here’s What To Do With Branches After Pruning

When you have a verdant landscape filled with woody shrubs and trees, pruning sessions can leave you with quite a collection of branches. Don’t let them just litter your landscape; these timber tidbits harbor immense potential! As the go-to plant health and tree...
Over Pruned Tree: Can It Be Saved?

Over Pruned Tree: Can It Be Saved?

Can you save an over-pruned tree? The answer depends on many factors, and in this post, Empire Tree Experts, Santa Rosa’s tree-trimming experts, answer this question in great detail.  If you’re unsure of good pruning techniques, hire a...
Pruning vs. Trimming: What’s the Difference?

Pruning vs. Trimming: What’s the Difference?

When it comes to pruning vs. trimming, is there a difference? The short answer is, yes, although the difference is subtle. In this article, Empire Tree Experts, who offer trusted tree trimming in Santa Rosa, CA, explain more.  What is Trimming? ...
Understanding the Top Benefits of Tree Trimming

Understanding the Top Benefits of Tree Trimming

Many homeowners do not understand the benefits of tree trimming, either ignoring it or putting it off for years. However, you must take care of your tree for beautiful, productive, and healthy landscaping. The professionals at Empire Tree Experts explain why you...

Have Some Emergency Tree Services?

call us today for more information (707) 521-2151

Are trees on your property dying, falling down, or causing you concern? We are ready to hear from you! If you have dying trees, ugly stumps, or just need your landscape cleaned up from fallen debris, reach out today.


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