Five Signs Your Tree Needs Professional Pruning Service in Petaluma, CA

Professional tree pruning is part of an overarching care plan that protects the tree’s health and structural integrity. While many property owners forget about or forgo this service, it can prevent inconveniences like property damage or emergency tree removal. Empire Tree Experts, the provider of the ultimate tree services in Petaluma, CA, explains the importance of this service below. 

professional tree pruning

You Need Professional Tree Pruning If… 

Ideally, property owners will prune their trees once a year. Regular trimmings address small structural problems before they evolve into more sizable issues. If you know proper tree trimming techniques, you might handle small saplings and bushes by yourself. 

However, you should leave tall, mature specimens to the professionals and don’t paint over pruning cuts. Ask an arborist for better wound-dressing techniques. 

#1 You Find Snapped Limbs

Even small, thin branches can open the tree up to pests and diseases. Plus, they can break at odd angles that diminish structural support to other limbs.

When you encounter trees with broken branches, consider contacting certified arborist services to correct the damage. An arborist can make a clean cut that protects the trunk’s overall structure.  

#2 You Discover Signs of Diseases or Pests

Tree pests take countless forms and can cause various symptoms. For example, discolored or withered leaves or tree tissues with small, uniform holes might indicate wood-boring insects have recently moved in.

Professional tree care services like pruning and trimming can cut the pests off from the rest of the tree. When you eliminate their stronghold, you prevent them from overtaking other healthy tissues. 

#3 The Branches Look Dead

If you discover dead, dehydrated branches, you should schedule a professional tree-pruning service. The rest of the tree might look perfectly healthy except for a few withered branches with dead, dry leaves clinging to twigs. Arboricultural pruning addresses these dead limbs by cutting them off cleanly to expose living tissues at the trunk. 

#4 Sunlight Can’t Filter Through

There’s nothing better than the cool shade a densely branched tree provides. However, those branches can become a little too dense for the specimen’s good. Some sunlight should filter through from the crown. 

Otherwise, the leaves below the treetop can’t receive and process sunlight through photosynthesis. This can weaken those branches and prevent equal nutrient distribution. Selective pruning methods will return the tree to an aesthetic shape that allows each branch to receive ample sunlight. 

#5 Some Limbs Touch Structures

The last thing you want is to deal with a downed power line or roof damage because an errant limb fell directly on these structures. Inspect the trees near your home and other structures to see whether the limbs touch them. Contact an arborist if they look too close for comfort. 

Empire Tree Experts Can Revitalize Your Trees in Petaluma, California

Empire Tree Experts has a team full of tree maintenance experts ready to tackle your needs, 

Contact us by calling 707-521-2151 to schedule professional tree pruning services in Petaluma, California. Our arborists will reshape your trees to promote health and look aesthetically pleasing.

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