The Role of Trees in Urban Greening in Windsor, CA

You probably pass by dozens, maybe hundreds, of trees each day without giving these green beauties much thought. If you’ve never considered the role of trees, you may be in for a pleasant surprise! Trees do much more than simply stand there looking pretty. Below, a tree service contractor in Windsor, CA, explains they’re a must for urban greening.

the role of trees

Oxygen Production and Carbon Sequestration

Head outside and take a deep breath. What do you have to thank for that lovely fresh air? Trees!

Humans exhale carbon dioxide, and activities like burning natural gas, electricity production, and deforestation produce plenty of CO2 as well. This greenhouse gas does a real number on the health of our planet.

Trees come to the rescue by absorbing carbon dioxide and turning it into oxygen for you to breathe. The Arbor Day Foundation says that a single mature tree can absorb up to 48 pounds of CO2 per year. That’s a pretty good reason to deck out urban environments with plenty of trees!

Air Purification

Urban areas are loaded with pollutants from cars, manufacturing, and waste disposal. Where do those pollutants go? With nothing to stop them, they’d end up in your lungs where they could do some serious damage.

Trees are, quite literally, a lifesaver when it comes to removing pollutants from the air. They can remove airborne bad guys such as ammonia, benzene, xylene, and formaldehyde.

Soil Stabilization

When heavy rains hit Windsor, you can thank trees for keeping the soil from washing away. One major role of trees includes keeping the soil intact and preventing erosion. Strong root systems also prevent flooding as they absorb water that would otherwise spill into the city’s streets.

Temperature Regulation

Windsor’s summers can get pretty balmy, but just imagine how much hotter they’d be without trees. Urban areas tend to be warmer than rural ones because concrete readily absorbs heat, but trees keep the temperature down thanks to their shady canopies.

Provides a Beautiful Wildlife Habitat

Animals and beneficial insects adore trees, especially ones that flower and fruit. Trees provide an excellent source of food and shelter for wildlife such as squirrels, birds, butterflies, and bees. The next time you go for a walk, take a peek in a tree’s canopy and you’ll likely see a critter or two staring back at you!

Inspires Physical Activity

What most inspires you to get out and move your body: a concrete jungle or a lush landscape dotted with plants, flowers, and trees? If you picked the second one, you’re in good company. Streets lined with mature trees inspire Windsor residents to walk, jog, bike, and play. Trees contribute to a strong sense of community, too. Studies have shown that urban greening boosts social activity by a whopping 83%.

Dependable Tree Services in Windsor, CA

Now that you’ve learned about the role of trees, are you ready to get some help taking care of yours? Empire Tree Experts is a top provider of pruning, tree removal, and emergency tree services in Windsor. Contact us at (707) 521-2151 to get a quote.

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