Here’s What To Do With Branches After Pruning

When you have a verdant landscape filled with woody shrubs and trees, pruning sessions can leave you with quite a collection of branches. Don’t let them just litter your landscape; these timber tidbits harbor immense potential!

As the go-to plant health and tree trimming experts in Santa Rosa, Empire Tree Experts knows just what to do with branches after pruning. Keep reading to uncover a world of possibilities that could transform your garden trimmings into a useful resource!

Use the Pruned Branches in the Garden

Hugelkultur Beds

In German, “Hugelkultur” translates to “hill culture.” The ancient practice involves using old wood as a base for new growing beds. The decomposing organic material serves a dual purpose, offering a fertile base for your plants and improving soil drainage. 

Simply layer pruned branches, compost, and soil to create a raised bed teeming with nutrients.

Plant Supports

With wooden branches, it’s easy to create structures that frame garden entrances or walkways full of character and a whimsical touch. However, it’s not just a fantastic way to upcycle your pruned wood pieces; it also provides an organic, robust aid for your climbing plants. 

A sturdy, large branch will work best as a vertical piece for your trellis or support, with the thinner, more malleable ones serving as crosspieces.

Use the Pruned Branches To Get Creative

Wattle Fencing

Anyone who knows what to do with branches after pruning will tell you about the old-world charm of wattle fences. They can create distinctive boundaries, keep away pests, and offer a quaint, rustic touch to your landscape. 

To craft these woven wonders, you interweave thin, flexible branches between sturdier, upright poles.

Containers and Other Crafts

A little creativity and elbow grease can transform your pruning byproducts into practical and eco-friendly creations. Some personal favorites include the following:

  • Bird perches
  • Baskets and planters
  • Pieces for dioramas
  • Ornaments and centerpieces

Use Every Part of the Pruned Branches 

Wood Chips

Do you have a surplus of tree branches that you’re running out of ways to use? Turn them into a veritable goldmine of wood chips with the help of a chipper or shredder. Popular uses include the following:

  • Soil enrichment
  • Mulching
  • Composting material
  • Pathways
  • Flooring for outdoor play areas

Firewood and Kindling

For those rare nippy California evenings or summer bonfire conversations, nothing beats the comforting crackle of a real wood fire. Turning your pruned branches into firewood is an efficient way of recycling. 

Stack them in a dry, airy space to season. Plus, the smaller, drier branches make excellent kindling, helping you get that fire roaring in no time.

Do You Need Help With Your Next Pruning Session?

Few things feel more frustrating than dealing with a thick branch collar or branches stubbing out. Why not let Empire Tree Experts handle the task for you? 

Give Empire Tree Experts a call at (707) 521-2151 today. Or read our blog to learn what to do with branches after pruning vs. trimming, how to cleanly cut the underside of the branch, and other valuable tips for beautiful gardens!

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