Five Signs of Tree Disease You Should Not Ignore  

If you suspect a diseased tree on your property, contact a certified arborist for help. However, it always helps to check your trees routinely for signs of disease or pest infestation. A proactive approach allows you to catch and address potentially dangerous issues before they get out of hand.  

As a top-rated tree removal service in Santa Rosa, we’ll highlight common signs of tree disease you should not ignore.  

signs of tree disease

1. Brittle Branches or Fallen Sticks  

Healthy trees feature flexible twigs and branches that won’t break off easily. An unhealthy tree, on the other hand, will have brittle branches that easily snap and fall off.   

While even healthy trees may lose their branches occasionally, a tree that sheds sticks frequently points to a health issue that requires a specialist’s attention.  

2. Rot or Fungus  

Seek professional help as soon as you see signs of tree fungus or rot on your tree. Act fast to avoid extensive damage that may render the tree irredeemable. While some rot and fungus treatments exist, you may have to schedule tree removal if the tee has incurred extensive damage.  

Similarly, your arborist may recommend tree removal to reduce the danger of fungus spreading.  

3. Open Wounds  

Open wounds make a tree more susceptible to pests and diseases that may eventually result in premature tree death. A healthy tree will recover from minor wounds, but large wounds, splits, and torn branches may make tree recovery challenging and increase the chances of a tree dying.  

4. No leaves  

A lack of foliage is one of the most apparent signs of a dead or dying tree. A tree with bare branches on only one side could indicate an issue with the tree roots or a pest and disease infestation. Dead leaves almost always indicate a disruption in the flow of nutrients inside the tree.   

In many cases, you have permanent and irreversible damage on your hands.  

5. Pests  

Trees fall prey to various pests, from wood-boring insects to sap-sucking critters. Schedule regular tree inspections to catch pest infestations early and reduce the chances of premature death. If your tree has incurred damage beyond repair, an arborist may recommend tree removal.  

Bottom Line  

Stay alert for any other symptoms of environmental stress. Check for root damage, no green under the bark, leaning, or the bark falling off. Addressing tree health issues sooner rather than later raises the chances that your trees will grow healthy and survive to maturity.  

Contact Your Trusted, Local Tree Service   

Empire Tree Experts provides quality tree services that you can trust. We go beyond tree care to guarantee each client the best experience. Our residential and commercial clients count on us for the following comprehensive tree services:  

  • Tree trimming and pruning  
  • Tree removal  
  • Fire abatement  
  • Lot clearing  
  • Emergency tree service  

Contact us at (707) 521-2151 to request a free estimate for tree service in Santa Rosa, CA. Reach out for more information on the signs of tree disease,including algae on trees, or to learn the warning signs of a falling tree.

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