Five Signs of Tree Disease You Should Not Ignore  

Five Signs of Tree Disease You Should Not Ignore  

If you suspect a diseased tree on your property, contact a certified arborist for help. However, it always helps to check your trees routinely for signs of disease or pest infestation. A proactive approach allows you to catch and address potentially dangerous issues...
How To Save a Stressed Tree: 4 Tips

How To Save a Stressed Tree: 4 Tips

Your once lush, verdant tree becoming more like a sad, drooping version of its former self can feel disheartening. But before you start singing its swan song, remember that plants, just like us, have bad days, too.  Here at Empire Tree Experts, we know how to...
Here’s What To Do With Branches After Pruning

Here’s What To Do With Branches After Pruning

When you have a verdant landscape filled with woody shrubs and trees, pruning sessions can leave you with quite a collection of branches. Don’t let them just litter your landscape; these timber tidbits harbor immense potential! As the go-to plant health and tree...
Over Pruned Tree: Can It Be Saved?

Over Pruned Tree: Can It Be Saved?

Can you save an over-pruned tree? The answer depends on many factors, and in this post, Empire Tree Experts, Santa Rosa’s tree-trimming experts, answer this question in great detail.  If you’re unsure of good pruning techniques, hire a...
Will Ivy Kill a Tree? Should I Remove It?

Will Ivy Kill a Tree? Should I Remove It?

Adding plants to a yard that has flourishing trees can turn it into the green paradise you’ve always wanted. However, it is important to carefully  think about the plants you add. Some species can create an ideal ecosystem, while others will only cause harm. Ivy...
Pruning vs. Trimming: What’s the Difference?

Pruning vs. Trimming: What’s the Difference?

When it comes to pruning vs. trimming, is there a difference? The short answer is, yes, although the difference is subtle. In this article, Empire Tree Experts, who offer trusted tree trimming in Santa Rosa, CA, explain more.  What is Trimming? ...
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