When Do Trees Go Dormant in Santa Rosa, CA?

When Do Trees Go Dormant in Santa Rosa, CA?

To care for your trees, you need to understand various seasonal changes in tree activity, especially the tree dormancy period. But when do trees go dormant? The deciduous tree dormancy season usually starts in the early winter weeks. In this blog post, Empire Tree...
How to Repair a Cracked Tree Trunk

How to Repair a Cracked Tree Trunk

You should take great care of your tree’s trunk as it plays an integral role in the tree’s aesthetic appeal and overall well-being. A common problem you’ll have to deal with is cracking, which can result from many factors, including extreme weather conditions.  Split...
Algae on Trees: Should You be Concerned?

Algae on Trees: Should You be Concerned?

Many trees experience algal growth that many homeowners find concerning. Many believe algae negatively impacts their trees’ health and leaves them vulnerable to diseases, pests, and other adverse elements. However, there are several misconceptions surrounding algae on...
Here’s What To Do About Girdling Roots

Here’s What To Do About Girdling Roots

Girdling roots can wreak havoc on even the healthiest Santa Rosa trees. They prevent trees from obtaining water and nutrients, slowly killing them over time. Fortunately, homeowners can resolve girdling roots and nurse their trees back to health using various...
Five Signs of Tree Disease You Should Not Ignore  

Five Signs of Tree Disease You Should Not Ignore  

If you suspect a diseased tree on your property, contact a certified arborist for help. However, it always helps to check your trees routinely for signs of disease or pest infestation. A proactive approach allows you to catch and address potentially dangerous issues...
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